We can flourish in our lives by living in Wellness, and being aligned to our Purpose and Values

Imagine ourselves as tiny seedlings, reaching to our dreams, goals and aspirations for life. We need to be nurtured to grow

Our Purpose - the roots that connect us deep into the earth

Our Values - the trunk that supports us and hold us steady in the wind

Our Wellness - the sunlight, water, air and nutrients that enable us to grow

We need all three of these to grow and reach our potential in this life

Danni headshot smiling with plant

Danni Craker

“I believe in the power of Coaching, its ability to transform lives by shifting mindsets and finding new perspectives.

I believe in the power of Pure Coaching, knowing we are all completely and utterly unique, with our own resources and creativity to find ways forward. I am not there to tell you what to do. If I told you what to do, I would strip away your power and your beautiful uniqueness. I carefully blend Pure Coaching with sharing my wisdom, on the understanding that you can take what you need and leave what you don’t.”

Danni started her Coaching Practice in 2023, and soon graduated from the International Coaching Academy with her Certificate in Professional Coaching and is now a member of the International Coaching Federation.

Danni has been passionate about the power of Coaching for many years, having had a Coach herself for over 10 years.

“I worked with my Coach to find out who I was, what my values where, what my desires and goals were, and then when I faced blockers I was able to use my Coaching sessions to find new ways of thinking, new perspectives, so I could find new routes forward.”

Danni’s style as a Coach is to be curious, to ask powerful questions to help you open up your thinking, invite new ideas and mindsets, and make connections.

“I lean into visualisations to help bring in new mindsets and awareness. I love Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Somatics and weaving this all together with Yogic principles and Manifestation Energetics.”

Danni has a grounding, calming, supportive and empathetic presence, helping you to feel it’s a safe space to open up and dig deep so you can get the most out of your Coaching sessions.

Danni’s initial Coaching Practice has been broad with a mix of Life and Executive Coaching. But her main focus into 2024 has been as a Wellness Coach and as a Founder Coach, both areas that are close to her heart.

Wellness Coaching

“I help clients find out what feeling Well means to them, then support them on their journey to find what brings them Wellness”. I’ve chosen to specialise in Wellness Coaching as to me Wellness is all about truly living rather than just surviving life. It’s the cornerstone to help me reach all other goals I set myself. Without Wellness, I’m making life so much harder for myself! For me, feeling Well is about feeling energised, strong, empowered, capable, resilient and worthy.”

Founder Coaching

“In Founder Coaching, I work with the Founder, helping them to define what their Purpose is, what their Values are. If they can act in line with their Purpose and Values then their business will flourish. But there’s a missing piece to this puzzle. Wellness. Founders often sacrifice their health and wellness. I help Founders find out what feeling Well means to them, then support them on their journey to find what brings them Wellness. When a Founder is Well and they act inline with their Purpose and Values, that’s when the magic really happens.”